Weight Loss News: How To Eat Chocolate and Lose Weight


Woman Eating Chocolate

Yes, it is possible to eat chocolate and lose weight!

"No way!" you might say.  But, check out these best low calorie sources of chocolate available in most grocery stores...

    Chocolate Rice Cakes - only 60 calories

    Sugar-Free Hot Chocolate Mix - 50 calories a cup

    Creamy Chocolate Creamer - 15 calories a serving

But, you might say that you can actually think of more like all the new 100 calorie bars, cakes and other snacks.  If these work for you and you can afford the 100 calories, great.  But, the above chocolate "snacks" will surely satisfy your chocolate cravings along with some will power.  However, be careful that you don't have too much or you might as well have a Snickers.  

Now, it isn't bad for you to have any chocolate and you've likely heard of the immunity benefit of chocolate.  Just be aware of the sugar and any hidden fat calories that comes with many forms of chocolate.  If you go off the diet wagon, just forgive yourself and hop back on!


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