5 Ways Weight Loss Can Increase In Autumn


So, maybe you have heard that it is easier to lose weight in the summer?  

Well, hold on and check out some ways that the cooler autumn (and winter) weather helps with weight loss...

1.  The rate that the body burns fat is faster in cooler (and colder) weather.  This is because it takes more energy to keep warm and our bodies breaks down fat stores when needing extra energy.  Fat cells actually feel the cold and burn calories for heat.

Brown Fat Cell

2.  Brown fat is the good fat we want that burns more energy to keep us warm.  Dr. Paul Lee, from Sydney's Garvan Institute of Medical Research, found out that sleeping in the cold can increase the brown fat in the body.  After a month of cold exposure (sleeping in a cold room) his experiment subjects had a 42% increase in brown fat volume and a 10% increase in energy metabolism (fat burning).

3.  Shivering helps to burn fat - therefore increasing metabolism.    Your muscles use glycogen stores and also brown fat to supply energy to the fibers.  According to a research study, 15 minutes of shivering can burn as many calories as an hour's worth of exercise.  

Cold weather is a great time to exercise - much cooler temps increase the duration and intensity of exercise possible.  This is due to the body able to regulate it's temperature easier.

5.  Knowing that it is common to gain weight in fall and winter, dieters can use this knowledge to be more aware of impact of cooler weather.  Holiday eating may be around the corner (or happening now), but it is possible to fight against it.  Put on your swimsuit once every week or so, join an exercise or yoga group, be mindful of what you're eating with resolve to control your weight, and take time to detox, destress, and relax!

Thus, it is possible to lose weight in the fall and winter by using certain principles to intelligently eat, exercise, and relax!  Enjoy the cooler weather and take the opportunity to benefit from it.

Brown Fat Cell license:  https://www.scientificanimations.com/, CC BY-SA 4.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0>, via Wikimedia Commons

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